miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

radiantplantlife: CREAMY MERMAID COCONUT BOWL 🍦🍃🐚🐠🌊💫🌾 with a...


CREAMY MERMAID COCONUT BOWL 🍦🍃🐚🐠🌊💫🌾 with a scoop of homemade blue-algae coconut ice cream. The base was blended fro nanas with pinches of blue-algae powder and wheatgrass powder (which you can’t even taste btw!). I finished it off with coconut shreds, dehydrated kiwifruit chips, cashew based rawnola, and dragon fruit balls. Too delicious!  Join me on Instagram for more original posts.Here ✘ #radplantlife

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food http://beautifulpicturesofhealthyfood.tumblr.com/post/142777126769
from Tumblr http://0foodphotography.tumblr.com/post/142777505162

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