lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Raw loulou’s easy salads…. RECIPE

Raw loulou’s easy salads…. RECIPE

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food
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earthlingmara: br-avo: Who can’t resist MANGO NICECREAM with...



Who can’t resist MANGO NICECREAM with blended frozen berries, passionfruit and cherries馃崚馃槏馃挄 Let’s just say I’d happily relive eating this any day 馃檴 Bowl of heaven.


from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food
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HEALTHY CLEAN EATING SNACKSSalt and pepper zucchini chips. You...


Salt and pepper zucchini chips. You can make these with a dehydrator or in the oven…RECIPE


  • 1 lb (about 4 cups) thin sliced Zucchini*
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • ½ tsp olive oil (this can be omitted)
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar

Crispy Cucumber Chips. You can also make these with a dehydrator or in the oven…RECIPE


  • 1 and ½ large cucumbers peeled and sliced thin (about 4 cups)
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food
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Lime Chipotle Avocados ~ Raw Food Recipe

Lime Chipotle Avocados ~ Raw Food Recipe

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food
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radiantplantlife: Vegan Whipped Purple Nicecream 馃敭馃寠馃崷馃敭馃寠 and its...


Vegan Whipped Purple Nicecream 馃敭馃寠馃崷馃敭馃寠 and its an incredibly simple blend of frozen coconut flesh cream, maqui or Acai powder and frozen bananas for that extra thickness. // Forgive me for not posting a lot of food and my recipe photos lately, I’m currently in Morocco blender-less 馃槶馃槶馃槶 and eating mostly out. Just taking it all in you know? But I’ll be back in New York very soon and back in my kitchen 馃槇 #radplantlife

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food
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Layered Fruit Lush…RECIPEINGREDIENTS1 ripe mango chopped1...

Layered Fruit Lush…RECIPE


1 ripe mango chopped
1 T fresh basil leaves
½ tsp of vanilla pods
selection of your favorite berries

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food
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Salteado de hinojo

Ingredientes para salteado de hinojo

*Cuatro cucharadas de aceite de oliva
*Tres bulbos de hinojo en tiras delgadas
*Una cebolla blanca en pluma fina
*Dos dientes de ajo picado
*Media taza de berenjena en tiras gruesas
*Dos cucharadas de alcaparras
*Un tomate sin piel ni semillas, en cubos
*Sal y pimienta al gusto

Salteado de hinojo

¿C贸mo se prepara salteado de hinojo?

En una sart茅n, a fuego alto, calentamos el aceite y saltemos el hinojo con la cebolla y el ajo durante dos minutos. Agregamos la berenjena y dejamos cocinar durante dos minutos. Agregamos las alcaparras y el tomate y dejamos cocinar durante medio minuto. Sazonamos con sal y pimienta. Servimos acompa帽ando un delicioso pescado cocido en papilote.


from An Adventure with Food
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Papa rellena a la parrilla

Ingredientes para papa rellena a la parrilla

*Cuatro morcillas
*Cuatro papas blancas con piel y cocidas
*120 gramos de tocino picado
*Una cucharada de mantequilla
*Una cucharadita de pisco quebranta
*Una cucharada de cebolla china, parte verde, finamente picada
*Una cucharada de crema de leche
*Sal y pimienta

Papa rellena a la parrilla

¿C贸mo se prepara papa rellena a la parrilla?

Ponemos las morcillas a la parrilla, a fuego medio, durante seis minutos por cada lado. Dejamos enfriar, las pelamos y las desmenuzamos.

Aparte, cortamos las papas por el lado superior y retiramos la pulpa con una cuchara. Reservamos. En una sart茅n a fuego medio doramos el tocino, incorporamos la pulpa de la papa que reservamos y la mantequilla. Formamos un pur茅. Agregamos las morcillas desmenuzadas, el pisco, la cebolla china y la crema de leche. Cocinamos durante cinco minutos. Retiramos del fuego y vertemos en un bol esta preparaci贸n. Dejamos enfriar.

Rellenamos cada papa con esta mezcla, las rociamos con una cucharadita de aceite de oliva a cada una y las envolvemos por separado en papel aluminio. Llevamos a la parrilla durante cinco minutos y servimos.

Greek Style Meatballs Pita Bread Ingredients: -1 pound...

Greek Style Meatballs Pita Bread


-1 pound (500gr) ground beef
-3 to 4 slices of moist bread
-2 onions,chopped
-1 cup fresh parsley, chopped + for garnish
-1 tbsp. dried mint
-1 tsp tried oregano
-2 eggs
-1 tbsp olive oil
-1 tsp Greek Ouzo
-Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

-Flour for dusting
-Olive oil or vegetable oil for frying
-1 packet small pita breads, warmed


In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix well.
Roll the mixture into balls.
Place the flour in a shallow pan, and roll the balls in the flour to coat.
Shake off any excess flour, and place the meatballs onto a plate.
In a frying pan Heat olive or vegetable oil and add the meatballs.
Fry until nicely browned on all sides.
Serve pita breads topped with tomato salad and meatballs.
Garnish with fresh parsley.

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Greek Bourekakia Mini Cheese Bread Rolls INGREDIENTS: -200g ...

Greek Bourekakia
Mini Cheese Bread Rolls

-200g Bread flour

-130g milk

-35g sugar

-½ tsp instant yeast

-1/8tsp salt

-25g butter
-300 g feta cheese
-200 g anthotyro cheese
-2 tbsp olive oil
- sesame 
, optional
-1 egg yolk +1tbsp milk

In a bowl mix cheeses and olive oil, set aside.
Mix all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, combine and knead till smooth
Add in butter, continue to knead till elastic and smooth dough. Keep aside to rise till double in size.

Divide the dough into 20g each and roll into small balls.
Take a small dough, use a rolling pin to flatten it, then close two ends and look like a cigarette then keep aside to rest for 10mins.
Take a dough, use hand to roll one end to shape it like a cone.
Use a rolling pin, roll it flat.
Place a tsp of cheese mixture at the bigger end, and start to roll like a swiss roll.
Place cheese rolls on a lined baking sheet.
Repeat the rest till finished.
Apply egg wash then sprinkle sesame seeds on top ( optional )
Bake at a pre-heated oven 170C - 340F , until golden.

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Tarta de frutos rojos, yogur y lima

Ya se han acabado las vacaciones... que r谩pido se acaba lo bueno!!!. Este a帽o nos hemos ido varios d铆a a Asturias y otros cuantos a la Toscana con centro de operaciones en Florencia. Que bien nos lo hemos pasado y cuanto hemos comido. Nos hemos venido con un mont贸n de ideas y cosas ricas para hacer, algunas ya las habr茅is visto en nuestro Instagram y otras estar谩n pronto por aqu铆.

Pero la verdad es que ya queda poco para las siguientes vacaciones (el que no se anima es por que no quiere, no?), as铆 que para animarnos un poco y hacernos la espera m谩s llevadera hemos decidido reestrenar las recetas con una riqu铆sima tarta con todo el sabor del verano, fresca y suave.

Adem谩s esta tarta es muy vers谩til, ya que puedes ponerle por encima cualquier tipo de fruta que tengas en casa o incluso simplemente con caramelo o chocolate fundido queda realmente espectacular y m谩s f谩cil no puede ser.


Para la masa quebrada
   200 gr de harina
   100 gr de mantequilla
   50 gr de az煤car glas

Para el relleno
   2 yogures estilo griego
   10 hojas de menta
   1 lima
   4 hojas de gelatina
   2 cucharadas de az煤car (opcional)

Para decorar
   200 gr de frutos rojos y negros variados
   2 rodajas de lima
   Az煤car glas


Empezaremos con la masa quebrada. Hacemos una monta帽a con la harina y el az煤car. Ponemos la mantequilla en dados peque帽os en el centro y amasamos con las manos hasta que la mantequilla est茅 bien integrada. Luego a帽adimos el huevo ligeramente batido y volvemos a amasar hasta que obtener una masa lisa y fina.

Hacemos una bola con la masa y la envolvemos en papel film. Metemos en la nevera una hora.

Encendemos el horno a 200潞 C.

Untamos un molde para horno con un poco de mantequilla. Sacamos la masa de la nevera y con un rodillo la estiramos y le damos forma redonda y delgada. Forramos el molde de la tarta y eliminamos los restos (yo los utilic茅 para hacer otras dos tartaletas m谩s peque帽as).

Pinchamos ligeramente con un tenedor el fondo de lo que ser谩 nuestra tarta y le ponemos un papel de horno por encima. Le a帽adimos unas legumbres dentro del molde para que la masa no suba y la metemos en el horno unos 20 minutos hasta que veamos que los bordes est谩n dorados ligeramente.

Sacamos del horno, quitamos las legumbres y el papel y dejamos que enfr铆e sobre una rejilla antes de desmoldar.

Para el relleno, echamos los yogures en un cuenco grande y separamos un par de cucharadas grandes del mismo a otro m谩s peque帽o. Ponemos la gelatina a re hidratar en agua fr铆a.

Cortamos las hojas de menta en trozos muy peque帽os y se lo a帽adimos al cuenco grande de yogur junto con la ralladura de la piel y el zumo de media lima. Mezclamos bien. Podr铆amos a帽adir un poco de az煤car en este punto (yo no lo hice y la verdad es que no la ech茅 de menos).

Calentamos un poco el yogur que ten铆amos reservado s贸lo y le a帽adimos las hojas de gelatina ya hidratadas y bien escurridas. Mezclamos bien hasta que est茅 bien integrado y se lo a帽adimos a la mezcla de yogur, menta y lima. Mezclamos todo bien durante un par de minutos.

Rellenamos la base de la tarta con el yogur y metemos en la nevera al menos un par de horas hasta que est茅 bien cuajada.

Pasado ese tiempo la sacamos de la nevera y la decoramos con los frutos rojos y negros bien secos y espolvoreamos con un poco de az煤car glas. Terminamos nuestra tarta con unas rodajas de lima y unas hojas de menta para decorar.


Un cava brut es perfecto para resaltar los toques de frutos rojos en este riqu铆simo postre.

- COSTE: medio.  
- DIFICULTAD: f谩cil.
- TIEMPO:  3 horas. 
- CAL脫RICO: aunque lleva muy poco az煤car y yogur como ingrediente b谩sico, es un postre, pero como ya ha acabado el veranito y las carnes van tapadas... DATE EL GUSTAZOOOO!


domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

s谩bado, 29 de agosto de 2015




-2 boxes of lemon instant pudding

-1 tsp vanilla extract

-2 pkt of cream crackers or petit beurre biscuits

-220 g Cool Whipped cream

-Zest of one lemon

-Juice of one lemon

Prepare the lemon pudding, according the box directions. Add in the lemon zest and the vanilla extract . Set aside.

With a hand mixer or in the bowl of a stand mixer, whip the cream and fresh lemon juice, until it just holds, stiff peaks.

Arrange biscuits in the bottom of a dish.
Spread half the pudding mixture over the biscuits
Repeat with remaining biscuits and pudding mixture.
Top with whipped cream.
Chill for at least 4 hours before serving. Enjoy.

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Baby Back Pork Ribs

Baby Back Pork Ribs:

San Diego Restaurant Week is coming up next month. They decided to share some tasty recipes while they were at it.

from An Adventure with Food
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Pastel de verduras al horno

Ingredientes para pastel de verduras al horno

*Una zanahoria pelada
*150 gramos de vainitas
*Una cabeza de poro, parte blanca
*Tres palos de apio
*Un zapallito italiano tierno, solo la piel
*Medio pimiento rojo
*Medio pimiento amarillo
*Dos papas amarillas
*Una cucharada de or茅gano
*Una taza de crema de leche
*Cuatro huevos
*Sal y pimienta al gusto
*Una cucharada de mantequilla
*300 gramos de espinaca

Pastel de verduras al horno

¿C贸mo se prepara pastel de verduras al horno?

Cortamos en juliana la zanahoria, las vainitas, poro, apio y la piel de los zapallitos. Blanqueamos las verduras por separado, las secamos y las colocamos en un bol. Agregamos los pimientos en juliana y las papas peladas y ralladas.

Tenga presente que la zanahoria se blanquea junto con las vainitas por tres minutos en agua hirviendo. El poro, el apio pelado y los zapallitos se blanquean en apenas unos segundos.

Vertemos la crema de leche, los huevos, sal, pimienta y or茅gano, batimos ligeramente y unimos. En un molde untamos la mantequilla y forramos con hojas de espinaca pasadas un minuto por agua hirviendo.

Volcamos la preparaci贸n, cubrimos con m谩s espinaca y papel aluminio con mantequilla. Llevamos en ba帽o Mar铆a al horno precalentado a 180 °C por 75 minutos. Dejamos enfriar y desmoldamos.

Video relacionado

Delicioso Pastel de Verduras:

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015



Cheeseburger Macaroni

  • 1 lb lean hamburger meat
  • 1 pkg taco seasoning
  • 1 can Rotel tomatoes and green chilies (or fresh diced tomatoes)
  • 2 cups beef broth (or water)
  • 1 cup elbow macaroni

Cheese Sauce:

  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • ¾ cup milk
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • ½ tsp Cayenne (optional)


Make your Meat:

  1. Brown your Hamburger meat in the skillet, drain
  2. Add Taco Seasoning, Beef Broth, and Macaroni, Heat to Boil then reduce.
  3. Cover the pan and let it simmer until the Noodles are tender - bout 12 minutes

Make your Cheese:

  1. Melt Butter in Saucepan over med/high heat
  2. Stir in the Flour - stir/cook for about 5 minutes
  3. Stir in the Milk, Turn up the heat and stir until thickened
  4. Remove from heat and stir in the Shredded Cheddar, add salt, pepper, cayenne, etc…


1. Exactly what it sounds like: Pour the “Cheese” into the “Meat” and Stir

from An Adventure with Food
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jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

"Hi everyone, happy to say I’ll be back posting on this blog again on September 1st….see you then :)"

“Hi everyone, happy to say I’ll be back posting on this blog again on September 1st….see you then :)”

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food

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St. Louis BBQ Ribs

St. Louis BBQ Ribs:

San Diego Restaurant Week is coming up next month. They decided to share some tasty recipes while they were at it.

from An Adventure with Food
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Ravioli de miel con queso azul y nueces (Cocina Molecular)

from Conaceiteysal
via Con aceite y sal

mi茅rcoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

BuzzFeed Food - How To Make Fried Mac 'N' Cheese Pops | Facebook

BuzzFeed Food - How To Make Fried Mac ‘N’ Cheese Pops | Facebook

from An Adventure with Food

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#FANOUROPITA A traditional pie dedicated to Saint Fanourios -...

A traditional pie dedicated to Saint Fanourios

- —————————————————————————
According to custom, the ingredients should be either 7 or 9. Women in Greece make this pie once a year, on the eve of Saint Fanourios name day, every 27th of August. They bring their pies to the church of Saint Fanourios, where the priest blesses them with a nice ceremony. After the Mass, the pies are cut and everybody is welcome to taste them.


-3 cups flour, sifted
-1 cup sugar
-¾ cup olive oil
-1 cup orange juice
-½ cup brandy
-½ cup raisins or cranberries
-½ cup walnuts
-1 tsp. cinnamon
-1 tsp backing powder


Mix all the ingredients in a mixer. Grease a pan with olive oil.
Pour the mixture into the greased pan. Bake in medium oven for about 40 min.
Let cool and sprinkle with confectioners sugar.

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lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015


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Aguadito chino

Esta es una deliciosa receta, arroz cocido solo con agua, que combinaremos con finas tiras de carne condimentada con salsa de osti贸n, canela china y an铆s estrella.

Ingredientes para aguadito chino

*Un taza de arroz lavado, de preferencia de grano redondo
*Cinco tazas de agua

Para el salteado:
*250 gramos de carne cortada en juliana
*Dos cucharadas de aceite para para dorar la carne
*Dos cucharadas de salsa de osti贸n
*Una cucharada de salsa de osti贸n
*Una cucharada de sillao
*Un cuarto de cucharadita de canela china
*Un an铆s estrella
*Una cucharadita de aceite de ajonjol铆
*Chu帽o en cantidad necesaria
*Pimienta y sal al gusto

Aguadito chino

¿C贸mo se prepara aguadito chino?

Cocinamos el arroz con el agua hasta que est茅 cocida y con una consistencia de aguadito.

Salteamos la carne con aceite caliente. Sazonamos con canela china y el an铆s estrella. Echamos la salsa de osti贸n y el sillao. Cocinamos hasta que la carne est茅 tierna. Espesamos con un poco de chu帽o. Rociamos con aceite de ajonjol铆.

Servimos el arroz y colocamos el guiso de carne encima.

Carob, chocolate nature Carob, the natural wealth of our...

Carob, chocolate nature

Carob, the natural wealth of our country
The carob, an important piece of heritage not only in Greece and other Mediterranean countries, is a native tree that can survive in conditions of hard heat and drought so no surprise that we meet in almost all countries of the Mediterranean and of course in Greece. Known from the very old years the locustwas prominent in Greek diatrofologio because of the particular taste and nutritional value.
The nutritional value
It appearance and taste resemble our favorite chocolate but the fruit is less greasy and more sweet taste and contains a large amount of glucose and sucrose. Apart from the very tempting taste that makes it automatically from the sweetest pleasures nature has to offer us, carob is rich in vitamins and nutrients, which makes it valuable and beneficial for our health. Calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, and vitamins A, B1, B2, D is most of the elements that make it so unique and necessary for the human body. But let us not forget that carob contains high fiber content is therefore facilitate the proper functioning of the intestine, and is very digestible. Also be convinced of its value?
The unknown treasures of carob
The fact is that nowadays carob is not so widespread in everyday life as you deserved. And yet! It is well known in the confectionery industry and pharmaceutical industry. Because of its taste, but also low-calorie substitutes perfect chocolate and white sugar at various pastries.
Another element of carob that few know is that the kernel of which, regardless of its size is always constant weight 0,2gr been used for 1500 years by jewelers and pharmacists as the smallest unit. The well-known to all of us carat. The word “carat” comes from the Arabic “Kirac ‘means seed!
Did you know also that all our pictures with the film owe wrist carob? From this cellulose produced raw material for the manufacture of photographic plates, films and other objects.
From edge to edge Greece
The carob, hallmark of Greek land is the most modest and the most precious gift that nature has endowed this place. From any point of the country there is soil, there’s a charoupodendro ready to give us the aromas, flavors and his benefits.Walk in nature, warm sun and cool off in the breeze, listen to the scent, relax in the shade of a carob tree and taste the fruit. Primeval sweetness of a lost treasure …

From Flow Magazine


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domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

HOW TO APPLY! Pythagorean diet that eliminates 95% of...

HOW TO APPLY! Pythagorean diet that eliminates 95% of diseases

Tis these concepts we find integral to Hippocrates. The exact mix, equality before the law, symmetry, harmony, are the basis of the doctrines of Pythagoras and Hippocrates. And here, as we will see, we are amazed by the law of proportionality!
The Red Beans: can actually heal and help maintain proper kidney function - and look exactly like human kidneys.

The Walnut: looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, the upper and lower brain and cerebellum. Walnuts help brain development and brain function.

The Carrot: The cross section of the carrot looks like the human eye. Carrots greatly enhance blood flow in the eye and generally enhance the function of the eyes.

The Celery: resemble bones. Celery is specifically aimed at strengthening and bone strength. Foods with sodium like celery provide input into, the skeletal needs of the body.

The Avocado: seeking health and good function of the womb and cervix of the woman’s uterus. Avocados help female hormones to come into balance, shed unwanted weight after birth, and prevention of cervical cancer.

Figs: replace the testes and is filled with seeds and hang in pairs, where they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male (+) sperm cells as well as increase the number of sperm for help to overcome male sterility.

The mushroom: Mushrooms can help improve hearing, as yet, mushrooms is one of the few foods containing vitamin D. This vitamin is important for healthy bone, which strengthens even tiny bones inside the ear which transmit sound to the brain.

Grapes: A diet high in fresh fruits such as grapes, has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Grape seeds also contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which appears to reduce the severity of allergic asthma.

Ginger (ginger): One of the biggest advantages is aiding digestion, and is also a popular treatment for disabled -disease.

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes look like the pancreas and actually bring balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Onions: They help cells get rid of toxins. Also, when cut, produce tears, clearing epithelial eye cells.

Garlic: Helps remove waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.

Lemon: Lemon juice contains vitamin C, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins and minerals salts (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and silicon) while the peel refreshing essential oil. Also, the lemon is rich in flavones, antioxidants valuable in therapy, as the freepatentsgr. Lemon is excellent antibacterial, disinfectant, antiseptic astringent and are thought to help control uric acid, prevents thrombosis of arteries and veins, and the accumulation of salts. Lemon because it activates the immune system (increasing the white blood cells) is considered excellent hemostatic.

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from An Adventure with Food
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s谩bado, 22 de agosto de 2015

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Coffee & Kahl煤a Crazy Cake


  • 1 ½ Cups flour (all-purpose)
  • 3 Tbsp. cocoa (unsweetened)
  • 1 Cup white sugar
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • ½ tsp.  salt
  • 1 tsp. white vinegar
  • 1 tsp.  pure vanilla extract
  • 5 Tbsp. vegetable oil
  • ¾ Cup brewed coffee (cold or room temperature)
  • ¼ Cup Kahl煤a


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix first 5 dry ingredients in a greased 8" square baking pan.  Make 3 depressions in dry ingredients - two small, one larger (see #3 in photo below). Pour vinegar in one depression, vanilla in the other and the vegetable oil in third larger depression.  Pour coffee and Kahl煤a over all.  Mix well until smooth.

Bake on middle rack of oven for 35 minutes.  Check with toothpick to make sure it comes out clean.  Cool.  Top with your favorite chocolate frosting or sprinkle with powdered sugar.  Enjoy!

Tips: If you don’t have/like Kahl煤a, use 1 cup of coffee.
You can double the recipe, just use a 9x13 baking pan.

You can also mix the batter in a bowl for neater, easier mixing AND for cupcakes (adjust baking time for cupcakes).  Be sure to follow the directions the same way - mixing the dry ingredients then making the depressions for the wet ingredients.  
Although I have not used Gluten Free flour mixes for this recipe, many people have use it for the Original Chocolate Crazy Cake, and it turns out wonderful! “Yes it is yummy and very moist. It even works with gf flour mixes!”

from An Adventure with Food
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mi茅rcoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Escabeche do帽a Teresa

Esta es una receta deliciosa publicada por Gast贸n Acurio, la hice y me sali贸 excelente.

Ingredientes para escabeche do帽a Teresa

*Dos cucharadas de pasta de ajo
*Dos cucharadas de pasta de aj铆 panca
*Dos cebollas cortadas a la pluma gruesa
*Una cucharadita de miel de abeja
*Cuatro cucharadas de vinagre tinto
*Una taza de caldo de pescado
*800 gramos de filete de corvina
*Una taza de harina sin preparar
*Cuatro hojas de lechuga criolla
*Dos camotes medianos cocidos y cortados en rodajas
*Cuatro aceitunas negras
*Dos huevos cocidos cortados en mitades
*Aceite de oliva
*Hojas de laurel
*Hojas de or茅gano
*Aceite vegetal
*Sal, pimienta y comino al gusto

Escabeche do帽a Teresa

¿C贸mo se prepara escabeche do帽a Teresa?

Calentamos aceite de oliva en una sart茅n, a帽adimos la pasta de ajo y la pasta de aj铆 panca, y doramos durante unos minutos a fuego bajo.

Incorporamos la cebolla y el aj铆 amarillo. Mezclamos bien y a帽adimos la miel, las hojas de laurel y el or茅gano. Sazonamos con sal, pimienta y una pizca de comino.

Vertemos el vinagre de vino tinto y el caldo de pescado. Dejamos hervir durante diez minutos a fuego bajo. Retiramos del fuego y reservamos.

Cortamos cada filete de corvina en cuatro partes iguales, y lo sazonamos con sal y pimienta. Pasamos los filetes por harina y los fre铆mos en abundante aceite vegetal caliente, hasta que queden bien dorados.

Vertemos la preparaci贸n que reservamos sobre los filetes de corvina y dejamos enfriar.

Colocamos una hoja de lechuga en cada plato. Acomodamos el camote y el escabeche. Decoramos con aceitunas negras y medio huevo. Buen provecho.

Ingredients:¾ cup (100 g) shiratamako (or ¾ cup (115 g)...


¾ cup (100 g) shiratamako (or ¾ cup (115 g) Mochiko/sweet rice flour)
¾ cup (180 ml) water
¼ cup sugar
½ cup (100 g) potato starch/corn starch
Ice cream of your choice

What you will need:
12 aluminum/silicone cupcake liners
A cookie dough scoop (smaller than an ice cream scooper)
A rolling pin
3.5 inch (9 cm) cookie cutter or a round bowl

from An Adventure with Food
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Ingredientes para sangrecita

*Dos cucharadas de cebolla roja picada
*Dos cucharadas de aj铆 amarillo picado
*Una cucharada de pasta de ajo
*Dos cucharadas de pasta de aj铆 panca
*Medio kilo de sangre de pollo cocida, picada
*Media taza de caldo de pollo
*Media taza de cebolla china picada
*Media taza de hierbabuena picada
*Medio kilo de yuca cocida en bastones
*Salsa criolla
*Aceite de oliva
*Sal y pimienta al gusto


¿C贸mo se prepara sangrecita?

Calentamos aceite de oliva en una sart茅n. Doramos la cebolla, el aj铆 amarillo, la pasta de ajo y la pasta de aj铆 panca, durante cinco minutos, a fuego medio.

A帽adimos la sangre de pollo y el caldo. Sazonamos con sal, pimienta, cebolla china y hierbabuena.

Dejamos cocinar durante diez minutos a fuego medio y retiramos del fuego.

Servimos la sangrecita acompa帽ado con las yucas cocidas y la salsa criolla.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015


from Conaceiteysal
via Con aceite y sal

2 pounds beef stew chunks2 cans of cream of mushroom soup (...

2 pounds beef stew chunks
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup ( concentrated )
1 pkg onion soup mix
onion ( as much or as little as you like )
garlic ( as much or as little as you like )
pepper ( to taste )
vegetable oil

Heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Brown meat on all sides.
Combine all of the ingredients in the crock-pot and stir till well incorporated.
Cover, cook on low for 6 to 7 hours.

from An Adventure with Food
from Tumblr

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

TYROKAFTERI HOT PEPPER CHEESE DIP Ingredients - 500 g feta...


- 500 g feta cheese
- 250 g cream cheese, at room temperature
- 1 tsp fresh dill, chopped
- 1 chili pepper ( mild to hot )
- 2 tbsp Olive oil


Add the feta and cream cheese to a food processor and pulse until combined.

In the meantime, saut茅 the pepper in 2 tbsp of olive oil until the skin is lightly browned.
Remove the skin , and chop the pepper into very small pieces.
Add the dill, the pepper and the oil it was saut茅ed in to the cheese and mash until smooth, adding additional olive oil if needed to bring it to the consistency of a thick (but not stiff) dip

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BuzzFeed Food | Facebook

BuzzFeed Food | Facebook

from An Adventure with Food

from Tumblr

s谩bado, 15 de agosto de 2015




- 450 g all-purpose flour

- 1 tsp. baking powder

- ¼ tsp. salt

- 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature

- 2 cups granulated sugar

- 1. ¼ cups buttermilk

- 3 eggs

- ½ tsp. vanilla extract

- zest of 1 lemon

- 2 cups billberries + ½ cup cranberries, marinated ( see notes )


Preheat oven to 150C. Grease and flour a Bundt pan.

In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking power and salt and mix well.

In the bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar together until fluffy.

Add the eggs and vanilla and mix until well-combined. Add buttermilk, lemon zest and the dry ingredients and mix well.

Fold in the berries and mix lightly.

Spread the batter into the prepared pan and bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour.

Cool completely before cutting.

Marinated Berries
1 cup balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups billberries + ½ cup cranberries
In a small bowl, whisk together the balsamic vinegar, brown sugar and vanilla.

Pour the balsamic vinegar mixture over the berries. Let the fruit marinate for 1 hour.

Drain the marinade.

from Tumblr


•6 boneless, skinless chicken breast cut into thirds
•1 cup all-purpose flour
•1/2 teaspoon salt
•1 tablespoon seasoned salt (I use Lawry’s Seasoned Salt)
•3/4 teaspoon pepper
•2 teaspoon paprika
•1/2 stick butter (or ¼ cup)
•1 gallon-size Ziploc bag (optional)


1. Place thawed chicken strips in a bowl of buttermilk, cover, and let soak 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Combine and mix thoroughly flour, salt, seasoned salt, pepper, and Paprika in a gallon-size Ziploc bag or bowl.

4. Cut ½ stick of butter into a few pieces and place in a 9- x 13-inch pan. Melt butter in preheated oven.

5. Spread melted butter around the bottom of the pan. Lightly spray the pan with cooking spray, if needed, to make sure that there are no dry spots.

6. Shake excess buttermilk off chicken and completely coat each piece in flour mixture. Either shake in the bag until coated or dip each piece in the bowl until coated.

7. Place each piece of chicken in the preheated pan. Bake for 20 minutes. Turn each piece of chicken over and continue baking for 20 minutes more, or until cooked through (170 degrees F).

from An Adventure with Food
from Tumblr

Mediterranean Pork Skillet Ingredients: - 1 large tenderloin,...

Mediterranean Pork Skillet


- 1 large tenderloin, sliced into thick pieces
- 1 ½ cups fresh mushrooms, sliced
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp butter
- 2 green bell peppers, sliced
- 2 red bell peppers, sliced
- 2 Maggi chicken cubes
- pinch of fresh ground pepper
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- 1 tbsp mustard + juice of 1 lemon


In a small bowl whisk juice of 1 lemon and 1 tsp mustard. Set aside.
In a large nonstick skillet heat the olive oil and butter, add the tenderloin, onion and cook for 6 min.
Add the garlic, mushrooms, oregano, bell peppers and cook for 6 min more.
Add the lemon - mustard mixture, chicken cubes, season with pepper and simmer for 15min or until tenderloin is tender.
Remove from heat, sprinkle with fresh parsley and Serve.

from Tumblr

Mediterranean Pork Skillet Ingredients: - 1 large tenderloin,...

Mediterranean Pork Skillet


- 1 large tenderloin, sliced into thick pieces
- 1 ½ cups fresh mushrooms, sliced
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp butter
- 2 green bell peppers, sliced
- 2 red bell peppers, sliced
- ½ tsp salt
- pinch of fresh ground pepper
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- 1 tbsp mustard + juice of 1 lemon


In a small bowl whisk juice of 1 lemon and 1 tsp mustard. Set aside.
In a large nonstick skillet heat the olive oil and butter, add the tenderloin, onion and cook for 6 min.
Add the garlic, mushrooms, oregano, bell peppers and cook for 6 min more.
Add the lemon - mustard mixture, season with salt and pepper and simmer for 15min or until tenderloin is tender.
Remove from heat, sprinkle with fresh parsley and Serve.

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viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015


from An Adventure with Food

from Tumblr

Triple veggy

Ingredientes para triple veggy

*Doce tajadas de pan de molde blanco grande
*Seis tajadas de pan de molde integral grande
*Cuatro tomates
*Medio frasco de palmitos
*Media lechuga verde
*Mayonesa en cantidad necesaria
*Cinco huevos
*Dos paltas maduras

Triple veggy

¿C贸mo se prepara triple veggy?

Untamos las tajadas de pan blanco con mayonesa y disponemos sobre ella la lechuga, rodajas de tomate y huevo duro.

Untamos el pan integral con mayonesa por los dos lados, colocamos las tajadas de pan blanco anteriormente preparadas y seguimos con capas de palta, palmitos, sal y pimienta. Cubrimos con una tercera tajada de pan blanco con mayonesa. Cortamos y servimos.

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