martes, 18 de julio de 2017

Chicken Casserole

1 ounce butter or margarine
2 potatoes, peeled and diced
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 medium onion, sliced
4 chicken portions, 4– 6 ounces each, skinned
11/2 cups hot chicken stock
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon cornstarch for thickening
2 tablespoons water
Melt the butter or margarine in the open cooker. Gently fry the potatoes,
onions and carrots until lightly colored. Lift out and drain well. Add the
chicken pieces to the hot butter or margarine and brown well. Return the

vegetables to the cooker with the seasoning and stock. Stir well. Close the
lid, bring to pressure using 15 lb cook control and cook for 5 minutes.
Release the steam QUICKLY. Take out the chicken and remove the meat from
the bones. Put the chicken meat back in the cooker. Blend the cornstarch
with the water, stir into casserole and cook until thickened.
Serve with a green vegetable and warm, crusty bread.

from An Adventure with Food
from Tumblr

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