jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

moeller-fit: First try at egg cups for snacks through the week....


First try at egg cups for snacks through the week. They were super fast to make which makes me happy!

Veggie Egg Cups -

All you do is spray the pan so the eggs don’t stick, throw any veggies in each muffin tin, take 12 eggs and mix with ¼ cup milk of choice, salt and pepper, bake at 350 for 15-20 mins. I love quick recipes!

#cleaneating #EatClean #eatright #breakfast #snack #eggs #recipes #healthyrecipe #healthyrecipes #foodie #food #21dayfix #21dayfixapproved #getyourfix#hammerandchisel #EatClean #eatright #moellerfit #mom_hub #healthycouples #fitcouples #nutrition #fit #healthymoma #nutritioniskey #cleaneating #momtalk #mom2mom #healthynotskinny #weightloss #foodie #21dayfixapproved #weightwatchers #balance #fitfood #wellness #healthymom #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #ww360 #myfitnesspal #healthymomma

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food http://beautifulpicturesofhealthyfood.tumblr.com/post/137286706409
from Tumblr http://0foodphotography.tumblr.com/post/137287177782

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