jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

imhellafit: fitasafeminist: A super healthy dinner to make up...



A super healthy dinner to make up for this afternoon’s ice cream: vegan kelp-noodle ramen. The entire pot is less than 200 calories, but brimming with kelp noodles and veggies: kale, bok choy, corn, radishes, celery, mushrooms, ginger, lime, & garlic. 🍜🌿😛

Kelo noodles? I must know more can you buy them or do you make them yourself??

from Beautiful Pictures Of Healthy Food http://beautifulpicturesofhealthyfood.tumblr.com/post/154524692559
from Tumblr http://0foodphotography.tumblr.com/post/154524855867

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