sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Green Onions. Except for the stringy roots, green onions are...

Green Onions.
Except for the stringy roots, green onions are entirely edible. The white bulb has an onion flavor and the greens are similar to chives. Use both parts as flavorings for salads and coleslaw. The greens make an excellent topping for a baked potato or vegetable side dishes. For a mild onion flavor, substitute the white bulbs for yellow onions in your recipes. Enjoy grilled green onions as a side dish. Cut off the roots and leave an inch of greens at the top. Sprinkle the onions with olive oil and garlic, wrap them in aluminum foil and cook them on the grill for a few minutes.

from MY GREEKITCHEN http://mygreekitchen.tumblr.com/post/140908218996
from Tumblr http://0foodphotography.tumblr.com/post/140908513047

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